Saturday, 19 March 2011

Professor Zaz........Teen advice guru????

A lot of my friends have been treating me as the advice guru and have been saying that I helped with their problems. I love the feeling of being trusted and being able to put the smile back on someones face. I recently got an email after changing my online avatar motto to "You can ask me anything and I'll try my best to help" I ALWAYS keep identities ANONYMOUS so there is no need to worry about a thing. At the end of this post I'll be leaving my email address so if any of you guys want to get some advice about teen girl stuff then I'm here to help. The following is a demonstration of my skills at work.

Dear Professor Zazzy,
                                   I recently broke up with my boyfriend Jessie and when we were arguing he said some really nasty stuff about me like how no guy would ever like me and how I was such an ugly slut and the only reason that he went out with me was because he felt sorry for me. I know he was just saying that cuz he was really pissed off but I can't help but feel unattractive. My confidence levels with guys have kinda hit rock bottom. What should I do???????
                                       Hope you can help.
                                                                    Hugs and kisses
Dear Blackroses786,
                                 With people there are always gonna be guys who treat you like a princess and make you feel special and the others that make you feel as if you are absolutely nothing. No one can hurt you without your consent. You just need to find the people that make you feel like a princess because you deserve to be treated that way. Forget what idiots say and get out there!!!! Friends are always great to have around when you're not feeling too good so organise to go out with your friends to somewhere that you haven't been to in a really long time. Theme parks ALWAYS help and some girls absolutly llllluuuuurrrrvvvv movie nights or going to under 18 nights or concerts.
                                                          Hope I've helped, feed back would be great xoxoxo Prof Zaz

Dear Professor Zazzy,
                                  I had a great time with a big group of girls, I took ur advice and went to thorpe theme park. I t was great and I FEEL MUCH BETTER. I've started crushing on a guy in my maths class and feel really confident in talking to him. Thanks for the advice.
                                                                                    Hugs and Kisses, Blackroses786 
I couldn't have an advice post with a piccie.

I'm always happy to help so here's my email address:
Please comment :)

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Dear fellow bookworms... :D

Heellloooo my fellow blogger addicts :P
I know it's been a very long time with my busy exam week coming up and I'm up to the neck with the amount of revision to do if I want to get really good grades. My birthday was ammmaaazzzing!!!! I got loads of amazing things including a blackberry cure, a hot pink mini sewing machine, money, bath stuff and loads of gorgeous jewelery which I was in desperate need of. But seeing as I haven't blogged in at least a week, I have a mini treat for you guys :D
A couple of months ago I was talking about writing a book and never really posted any up  so in true blue peter style, Here's one I wrote earlier:
lol first I'll tell you guys a bit about the website. is a website where you can write your own stories and post them online for the world to see. Here is the link to the story that I wrote:

I found a few other great ones that I'd love for you to read if you're into your reading. Or just want to pass the time with a lovely story. The last one is my absolute favorite fanfic ever!!!!!!!!!!!
I couldn't do this post without piccies of my all time faves:
*sighs* Oh Mr Darcy, I will always love you!!!

Of course I couldn't leave out a gorgeous piccie of my favorite Professor Severus Snape

Please Comment and tell me if you liked the story and what your fave book in the entire world is!!!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

My week in picture form "busy,busy,busy"

This is probably the busiest week of 2011 for me. I've decided to do a picture to show you guys what's going on  but just in case you have no Idea what the pictures are meant to represent I'll tell you know. I don't wanna blab on too much cuz I wouldn't read a load of annoying babber on a blog so I don't you guys to either. Here are some bullet points explaining the pic:
  • I had a really important maths exam today and have a LOAD of mock exams coming up that I have to revise for.
  • I made a tote bag with a union jack on the front and Iwas in the mood for apples at the time so..hehehe (the bag isn't finished yet but when it is i'll post up some pics =P)
  • I'm having a new haircut hopefully soonish
  • My b-day is on the 3rd and I'm going to have a partaaaay :) WOOP!!!!!!!
  •  My "perfect" partydress in the top right corner ( Max C)
  • Blogger love heart because I love updating my blog and telling everyone about it :)
  • I'm back to school after a week of holidays and finally back with my girls =]
  • The whole overlapping thing to show how hectic this week is going to be.
  • I have a monologue to write and perform in english ( I have a really HOT guy who sits behind me in english and I can't act so this monologue could potentially ruin my entire pressure professor) 
For those who are wondering, I finally recieved my konad nail art in the post 2day YYYYAAAAYYY

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